
Welcome to the Cannon Spouses’ Club! We are open to spouses/significant others of ALL active duty, reservists/guard, retirees and ALL grades of base-affiliated civilians. Our mission is to promote volunteerism, social and recreational activities, increase morale, offer support to each other and raise money to give back to our military and local communities through scholarships and charities.
We offer a full-year membership and a half-year trial membership. Our full-year membership year is June 15 - May 31 and our half-year trial membership can be used at any time during our membership year for up to 4 membership events. Membership dues are required for ALL members with the exception of spouses and significant others of E-4 & below. Membership dues help to cover expenses associated with our administrative costs and monthly social event expenses while keeping additional costs to you at a minimum.
Membership Dues:
$50 Full Year: June 15, 2024 - May 31, 2025
$25 Half Year: January 1, 2025- June 15, 2025
$25 Trial: Access up to 4 events at member price
FREE Full Year: E1-E4 Spouses
Contact us at CSC.membership27@gmail.com if you have any questions about
membership or issues with your enrollment.
By registering as CSC member, you are agreeing to abide by the CSC Constitution and By-Laws. We recommend reviewing them prior to submitting your registration. To ensure you receive our most up-to-date information, follow us at
https://www.facebook.com/CannonSpouses or https://www.instagram.com/cannonspouses/.
All you need to do is choose your registration, complete the form and you're a member! Once you complete your membership registration, you will receive an email to confirm your registration and payment. If you do not receive confirmation of your membership, please send an email to CSC.Membership27@gmail.com.
Welcome to the Club!